Not all tractors will be a good fit for your budget, property, and projects. Ask yourself the following questions to help narrow the search, then visit Middletown Tractor Sales to shop for tractors for sale. We have dealerships in Fairmont and Buckhannon, West Virginia, as well as Washington and Uniontown, Pennsylvania.

Where Will You Use the Tractor?

It's important to buy a tractor that fits your land's unique features.

First, consider the size of your property. If the tractor needs to travel a long distance, it's wise to get a model with high speed capacity.

Second, consider the narrowest entryway found on your property. If the tractor needs to fit through a fence gate, for example, you may need to get a compact model.

Third, consider any obstacles that the tractor will face. 

For example:

  • For rocky terrain, get a tractor with high ground clearance so it can pass over rocks. 
  • For moving around trees or flower beds, pick a model with a tight turning radius. 
  • For slopes, focus on models with enough traction to handle the incline.

How Will You Use the Tractor?

Tractors can be used in many different ways. Make sure your tractor's features and attachments match your intended projects.

For example, maybe you want to use your tractor to mow your lawn. Focus on models that won't damage the grass and can accommodate a mower attachment.

What Operator Features Do You Want?

The longer your work day, the more you will want to invest in operator comfort features. Remember that it's not simply a matter of comfort. Operator comfort plays a key role in productivity as well as safety.

For example, individuals who are taller or shorter than average may want to focus on tractors with adjustable seating. That way, they can situate the cab so that they are hunched over or straining to reach the controls.

How Much Do You Want To Spend?

Before you look at any tractors for sale, take the time to build a budget. Think about how much you can realistically spend on a tractor. This will allow you to eliminate any models outside that price range from your search. It also helps you get the highest quality model that you can afford, which keeps you from unnecessarily passing on features or performance capabilities.

Remember that the budget includes the costs of any attachments and implements. If you plan on buying aftermarket accessories, get an estimate on how much those will cost so you can shop for a tractor accordingly.

Ready to shop for tractors for sale? Explore the selection at Middletown Tractor Sales. See the models online or at our dealership. We are located in Fairmont and Buckhannon, West Virginia, as well as Washington and Uniontown, Pennsylvania.